Honey Bees Sub-Network

Honey Bees Sub-network Virtual Meeting

The Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA) had a virtual meeting on zoom with members of the Honey Bees Sub-network due to the world situation of COVID-19 which delayed the assumed activities and meetings.
The meeting was held on Sunday 08, November 2020.

Decisions of the meeting:

  1. Eng. Banan Al-Shagour– National Agricultural Researches Center (NARC) – Jordan, became the coordinator of Honey Bees Sub-network.

  2. The network members will have a virtual meeting every other month.

The Importance of Biodiversity for Bee Health, Dr. María Claudia Garrido

دور منظمة أكساد في إعداد برامج تطوير قطاع النحل في الدول العربية، م. عبدالرحمن قرنفلة، أكساد، سوريا

بعض العوامل المساعدة في تفاقم ظاهرة اختفاء النحل ، الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالمجيد الغزاوي 17 March 2022