Trilateral Webinar between AARINENA & AARU & ISAAA “Global Trends and Impacts of biotech crops & ISAAA’s potential role in Arab region” 9 Dec 2020

Specialists from Arab and international organizations emphasized the importance of using modern technology in the agricultural sector, given its clear role in achieving food security.
This came during the interactive symposium held on Wednesday 9, December 2020, virtually, in cooperation between the Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA), the Association of Arab Universities(AARU) and the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) entitled “Global trends and the effects of biotechnology on agricultural crops.” And the expected role of the International Service Organization in the applications of agricultural technology “in the Arab region.
The Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities, Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama, welcomed all speakers and participants during the Webinar and said that we aimed at developing skills or using modern technology, which contribute to the development of some vital sectors in the Arab world. He said that the Association is interested in contributing to the development and service of the Arab scientific system and what is related to modern technological uses, indicating that the use of modern agricultural technology in the agricultural sector achieves Arab food security.
Salameh indicated that this webinar is the first to be held with these prestigious international institutions, which have a remarkable interest in developing the Arab agricultural system and providing modern technological solutions in agriculture, which will positively affect the quality and quantity of Arab agricultural crops. For his part, Secretary General of the Assocaition of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA), Dr. Rida Shibli, affirmed that this webinar is considered a qualitative addition to international cooperation between the participating institutions, referring to many scientific activities and events that will be held in the future in cooperation with the Association of Arab Universities And a number of international organizations and institutions.
Dr. Shibli presented the role played by the (AARINENA) in Jordan, on the Arab and international levels, to advance the agricultural sector, achieve food security and cooperation in scientific and research fields, stressing the organization’s readiness to cooperate with the relevant authorities and build more partnerships and events to support the agricultural sector and the scientific research sector.
The International Service Organization’s Global Coordinator in International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Director of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, and Rodora Romero, and Executive Director of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, Margaret Karembeu, presented scientific reports and research that included activities and projects at the organization.
Key activities and results were also presented in a number of countries using genetically modified agriculture technology.
The organization’s reports indicated that a number of countries that started using genetically modified agricultural technology reached 29 countries by the end of last year, while the total agricultural areas reached 190.4 million hectares that were cultivated with genetically modified crops, which contributed to enhancing food security and sustainability, mitigating climate change and improving lives. About 17 million biotech farmers and their families worldwide.
This phase of agriculture was called the Green Revolution during which great leaps in productivity were achieved using machines, chemical pesticides and fertilizers, as it played an increasing role in making farms more productive and profitable.