AARINENA’s Participation in The Arab Regional Conference on Population and Development: Challenges and Prospects, ten years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration

The Arab Regional Conference on Population and Development: Challenges and Prospects, ten years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration, is being attended by AARINENA association, represented by its Executive Secretary, Dr. Rida Shibli. The conference is taking place in Beirut on September 13 and 14, 2023, organized by ESCWA (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – Regional Office for the Arab States, in partnership with the Arab League and the International Planned Parenthood Federation – Arab World Region.

The conference includes representatives from government institutions, including ministers and high-level officials from relevant ministries and national population councils, as well as parliamentarians, representatives of civil society organizations, international and regional organizations, United Nations agencies, youth groups, women-led organizations, academics, experts, and representatives from the private sector.

The main objectives of the conference revolve around the following:
1. Providing a common platform for collective thinking and discussions among Arab countries and all relevant stakeholders and exchanging lessons learned.
2. Empowering Arab governments to assess progress made and challenges faced in implementing the commitments outlined in the 2013 Cairo Declaration.
3. Exploring possible policy solutions to accelerate the implementation of the 2013 Cairo Declaration.

The conference agenda spans two days and focuses on three main pillars:
Firstly, the 2013 Cairo Declaration: Assessing Progress and Challenges in the Arab Region.
Secondly, Regional Population and Development Priorities and Expectations Ten Years after the Cairo Declaration.
Finally, Ten Years after the 2013 Cairo Declaration: Key Messages and Results of the Regional Review.

The conference is also expected to produce a final document that highlights the key messages expressed by the governments of Arab countries and other stakeholders during the sessions, in addition to the three consultations held in May and June 2023. The final document will provide specific regional guidance and a roadmap for accelerating the implementation of the commitments of the 2013 Cairo Declaration.