Memorandum of Understanding with the Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia

Nov 8, 2023

Under the patronage of Her Highness Princess Basma bint Ali, Chair of the Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia, the Fund signed a memorandum of understanding with the Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa “AARINENA” on Wednesday, 8th of November. This memorandum aims to develop and support frameworks for mutual cooperation, particularly related to scientific research mechanisms and the development of the agricultural sector.

The memorandum was signed by the Director-General of the Fund, Jamal Al-Fayez, and the Executive Secretary of AARINENA, Dr. Rida Shibli.

Al-Fayez stated that the memorandum aims to achieve cooperation between the two parties in the fields of scientific research, training, qualification, capacity building, innovation promotion, exchange of ideas and experiences, all aimed at stimulating the development process in the Jordanian Badia. This also includes leveraging its relative resources and advantages.

He added that extending cooperation and networking with regional and international research institutions and centers significantly contributes to achieving the Fund’s goals. This is done through its various activities based on thoughtful scientific planning in the establishment of productive and developmental projects, as well as advanced programs. These initiatives enable the people of the Badia to develop their regions, provide employment opportunities, and encourage investment after creating a suitable environment in terms of trained and competent labor force and appropriate infrastructure.

On the other hand, Dr. Shibli stated that the Jordanian Badia should be considered as the future food basket of Jordan, along with the Jordan Valley and other agricultural regions. This requires attention to the Badia regions, utilizing modern agricultural and productive equipment and methods, and providing them with all the necessary training and technical qualifications, advanced infrastructure, and support for small-scale farmers, who constitute 70% of the agricultural workforce in the Kingdom.

Al-Fayez presented the Fund’s mechanisms and work plans, its goals and areas of work, as well as the programs and projects completed by the Fund or currently under implementation. He also discussed the projects that the Fund aspires to establish in the future in collaboration with various local, regional, and international specialized entities.

It is worth noting that AARINENA was established in 1985 to strengthen cooperation between international and regional research institutions, centers, exchange of information and experiences, and contribute to improving agricultural and rural development in the Near Asia and North Africa region through agricultural research and technology development.