AARINENA Launches Olive Innovation Platform

June 4, 2024

On June 4, 2024, AARINENA (Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa) successfully launched the Olive Innovation Platform (olive.aarinena.org) during a virtual event on Zoom. The platform aims to foster collaboration and innovation within the olive industry across the region.

The event began with a warm welcome and the official adoption of the Olive Innovation Platform by Dr. Rida Shibli. Following this, Dr. Mohammad Malkawi, the developer of the platform, provided a comprehensive presentation on the platform’s features and potential impact. Eng. Mazen Sheikh then led a session on how to interact and engage with the platform, emphasizing its user-friendly design and collaborative tools.

A highlight of the event was a special address by Dr. Selvaraju Ramasamy, Senior Agricultural Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). His insights into the global agricultural landscape and the significance of such innovative platforms were well-received by attendees.

The event featured a robust discussion session, where participants, numbering around 50 and hailing from diverse backgrounds and organizations, shared their perspectives and feedback. Notable attendees included:

Dr. Selvaraju Ramasamy, Senior Agricultural Officer, FAO, Eng. Giovanni Martellini, FAO International Consultant, Italy, Dr. Rayan Haydar, Lebanon, Dr. Muawiya Haddad, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan, Dr. Fayyad Zioud, Jordan, Dr. Firas Zyoud, Mutah University, Jordan, Dr. Milad El Riachy, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), Lebanon, Dr. Fadhilah AlSalameen, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait, Dr. Salwa Abdel-Samad, Biological Control Department, Egypt, Fadi Jabr, The Secretary-General of the Arab Federation for Food Industries, Dona Saoub, National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Jordan, Representatives from ACSAD, Nehaya Muhaisen, Jordanian Olive Oil Women’s Network, Jordan, Fatima Maawi Al-Kilani, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, National Center for Agricultural Guidance, Cooperation, and Information, Libya, Dr. Loay Taylakh, National Agricultural Research Center, Palestine, Mostafa Hashem, Adel Zayed, Ghada Kattmah, and Ibrahim Sabouni, among others.
The launch of the Olive Innovation Platform marks a significant milestone for AARINENA, promising to enhance collaborative efforts and drive innovation within the olive industry. The platform is now live and accessible at https://olive.aarinena.org.