Issuing the eleventh issue of the Journal of Scientific Research

The Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship and Creativity has issued the eleventh version of the Journal of Scientific Research under the title “Agriculture in Jordan”.

The topics of the journal, which is headed by the President of the Society, Prof. Dr. Rida Al Khawaldeh and its editor is directed by Prof. Dr. Musleh Al-Najjar, included a group of studies, research, and articles, the most prominent of which are: Adaptation of agricultural crops to climate change, “Palestinian sunbird: the champion of flower pollination”, biological control, and seeds gene banks, the agricultural cycle under organic farming, and chemical residues in foods of animal origin: risks and solutions, biodiversity and medicinal plants in Jordan, and the importance and benefits of insects beneficial to humans.

The issue also presented the society’s activities, and the scientific and economic conferences it organizes.