Memorandum of Agreement between AARU, AARINENA and ISAAA

Memorandum of Agreement was signed online between three parties as follows:

Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama,  Secretary General,  The Association of Arab Universities (AARU), Dr. Rida Shibli, The Executive Secretary, Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East & North Africa (AARINENA) and Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Global Coordinator, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA).

AARU, AARINENA and ISAAA, mutually recognize the need to share knowledge and experiences on all aspects of biosciences and emerging Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) in order to strengthen the capacity of students to evaluate, regulate, and deploy new innovations in a safe and responsible way;

 ISAAA, AARINENA and AARU mutually recognize the need to collaborate and pool resources for the service of the above institutional objectives, and likewise affirm their commitment for the advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation as well as sustainable agricultural development in the Near East and North Africa Region (NENA Region) and Arab universities.

The parties hereby agree to:

1.       Work together in capacity building in communicating research, regulation and bioscience innovations effectively;

2.       Jointly develop, produce and disseminate Information, Education and Communications (IEC) materials targeting various key stakeholders in the Near East and North Africa Region (NENA Region) and Arab universities using a multi-media approach;

3.       Build science communication skills in the Near East and North Africa Region (NENA Region) and Arab universities.