The participation of AARINENA in the Fifth International Festival for Jordanian Dates

AARINENA, represented by its Executive Secretary, Dr. Rida Shibli, participated in the fifth International Festival for Jordanian Dates. The festival is organized by the General Secretariat of the Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation in collaboration with the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture and the Jordan Dates Association.

The opening was attended by the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Amman, Sheikh Khalifa bin Mohammed bin Khaled Al Nahyan, and the Secretary-General of the Khalifa International Award for Date Palm and Agricultural Innovation, Abdulwahab Zaid. The opening ceremony was also witnessed by several representatives of international organizations, members of the diplomatic corps residing in Jordan, and a large gathering of researchers, farmers, date producers, and companies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

It is worth mentioning that the distinguished royal patronage of the festival is a clear indication of its continued success year after year. The launch of the fifth edition of the date festival underscores the festival’s importance in achieving positive results in previous editions for the date palm sector in Jordan. This is evident in the increased competitiveness among farmers through the date competition, as well as the recognition of pioneers and supporters of date cultivation and production. Additionally, the festival contributes to boosting exports by providing an opportunity for traders and international companies importing dates to meet with farmers.