The Scientific Day for The Horticultural Research Department

Dr. Rida Shibli, the Executive Secretary of the AARINENA, chaired the first session of the scientific day for the Horticultural Research Department, which was held at the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC). The session was attended by Dr. Nizar Haddad, the General Director of the center. Dr. Salam Haddad provided an overview of the Horticultural Research Department, and a group of experts participated in two discussion groups.

The first group discussed projects related to the Vegetable Research Division, which included monitoring new varieties of vegetables, a project on rediscovering and developing neglected plants in arid environments, and the activities of the soilless agriculture department.

The second group focused on projects related to the Olive Research Division, which included studying the genetic map of the Mehrass olive variety, a project to improve the quality of olive oil, and the cross-border living laboratories project for agroforestry: 1. Inter-cropping of legumes with olives, 2. Rehabilitating a forest in Al-Aarida district.

The attendees actively engaged in discussing the presented projects during the discussion period.