Recognizing the paramount importance of safeguarding and protecting agriculture production from all kinds of pests, AARINENA is enthusiastic about establishing a Plant Protection Network. This network aims to bring together experts, researchers, and professionals from our member countries, pooling their collective knowledge and resources to enhance plant protection strategies.
Moreover, the main challenge of the world is to increase the productivity of agricultural crops in a sustainable manner. Invasive pest pressures, pesticide misuse, global warming, water scarcity, land degradation, loss of biodiversity and decreased ecosystem services have serious consequences on food security and life on the earth. Global efforts should be directed to maximize yields through working together to find solutions to the challenges facing food and agriculture. To maintain and increase agricultural productivity, advanced research, and cooperation in the field of plant protection is needed.

Prof. Dr. Firas Al-Zyoud
Mutah University, Jordan
منتدى الأمن الغذائي في ضوء التصحر والتغير المناخي بالعالم العربي
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د. محي الدين قواس، أكساد
العلاقات المعقدة بين تغير المناخ وتأثيره على الآفات الحشرية ومكافحتها الطبيعية
د. دينا حسين، مصر
عثة حافرة أوراق وثمار البندورة توتا ابسولوتا وطرق مكافحتها
د. شريف الرواشدة، الأردن
The Role of Nanotechnology in Plant Protection
Dr. Alaa Ghidan, Jordan
Community Responsibility in Environmental Protection
Eng. Emad Saad, UAE
المبيدات: الملوثات العضوية الثابتة
أ.د. توفيق العنتري، الأردن
Why IPM should be urgently applied? What are the tactics of IPM?
أ.د. فراس الزيود، الأردن