A Global NARS Consortium

Jan 18, 2024

AARINENA association, represented by Dr. Rida Shibli, participated in the global NARS consortium. GFAR has been entrusted with developing a Global National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) Consortium based on the Declaration signed in Bangkok on March, 2023 by its Regional Fora. The GNC aims to strengthen and amplify the global voice of NARS by defining them as “all public and semi-public stakeholders involved in research and development in a country, including national agricultural research institutes, universities, and government laboratories”. As a result, GFAR pursues and contributes to the success of the project by hosting and facilitating inter-regional face-to-face dialogues among regional and subregional AR&I to strengthen their multi-stakeholder governance, partnership management, management of change, and MEL possibly with co-hosting with the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP).

This regional meeting aims to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange and to prepare the global launch of the GNC in June 2024. Identification, a preliminary validation and detailed information gathering of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) within the NENA region have been accomplished in a cooperation with the CGIAR Regional Director.